
Operator details

Operator: Goodwill-Trade Kft.
Registered office: 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, Külső-Hadházi utca 24.
Company registration number: 09 09 002302
VAT number: 11147918-2-09
E-mail address:
Phone: +36 70 252 7293

Data of the service provider of the repository

Service provider name: Tárhely.Eu Service Provider Ltd.
Service address: 1144 Budapest, Ormánság u. 4.
Phone: +36 1 789-3-789

Ask for a quote

We have more than 25 years of experience in the manufacture of components and machinery, but we start every new project with the aim of providing the highest quality technical solutions. Our aim is to make you equally proud of the tangible end result.

Request for quotation